Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Political Interdisciplinary Studies Conference (Call for Papers)

POLIS Newcastle Conference 2008
(Political Interdisciplinary Studies Conference)

Post-graduate Conference in Politics

Newcastle University

School of Geography, Politics and Sociology,

Date: May 24th 2008
Venue: Newcastle University: Law School Lecture Theatre and Politics Building
Call for Papers

Politics, in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, is holding a one day conference for post-graduate students on the 24th of May 2008. This inter-disciplinary event will provide a forum for the exchange of perspectives on a range of politically relevant issues allowing post-graduates the opportunity to present, and receive feedback on, their work in an informal, open environment. The topic and content of papers should be constrained only by the 20 minutes allocated for each presentation. Examples of topical areas include:

- Time, history and change
- Space, migration and insularity
- Diversity, relativism and universalism
- Narration, representation and theory
- Structures, institutions and organisations
- Resistance, authoritarianism and terrorism
- Media, communication and society

In addition to post-graduate papers, Dr Martin Weber, University of Queensland, Australia, will give a keynote speech to open-up and illuminate the inter-disciplinary possibilities of the field, while Dr Sarah Liebermann, University of Kent, will draw on her recent experiences at post-graduate level to discuss means by which career progression can be achieved.

As an incentive to participate, we aim collectively to publish selected papers from the conference.

The authors of the 10 most promising abstracts will be encouraged to submit full papers of 5-6,000 words by May 9th. The author of the best paper will be awarded a prize of £100, while the second best paper will be awarded £50, and the third £25.

There will be no fees for attendance, lunch or refreshments, but those attending will be expected to cover transport and any accommodation costs. Details of suggested accommodation and means of transport will be provided well in advance of the event by email or on the conference website:


We invite abstracts of no more than 350 words from post-graduate students throughout the social sciences on any area of politics. Please send abstracts to Matthew Johnson ( or Mark Edward ( by March 7th 2008 at the latest.

Baudrillard and International Politics Workshop

Baudrillard & International Politics

Geography, Politics, and Sociology Workshop
28th November 2007
Bedson Building Room 1.48
Newcastle University

Plenary Speakers:

Paul Hegarty (University of Cork),
author of ‘Jean Baudrillard: Live Theory’

William Merrin (University of Swansea),
author of ‘Baudrillard and the Media’

Aim: To consider the (ir)relevance of Jean Baudrillard for understanding international politics. A selection of presentations, from academics and postgraduate candidates, will be given on the topic. In addition, after the presentations, there is time scheduled for a roundtable discussion.

The workshop is free to attend, and we envision a lively interaction between participants. Due to a limited capacity, could you please contact Mark Edward ( if you would like to attend. Deadline for registration is 22nd November 2007.